About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Straddling Two Worlds

Within these changing times it is difficult to find balance as we are in the process of an  ‘upgrading’  and the energy from day to day seems very different and often unfamiliar.  Our  ‘reference points’  have somewhat ‘out of date’and the new ones are being formed so it feels as if we are in a  ‘floating zone’  or a  ‘waiting zone’  …straddling two worlds!  It can be hard to find words to describe the feelings around this because what we are experiencing has never happened before in this way.  It can be very exciting in one sense and a little daunting in another …our usual response is to connect it with a past experience that makes it familiar so we have some explanation.  Now when we  ‘scan’  for the reference points nothing shows up so our mind can panic as it feels as if we have lost the connection or deleted the information that gives us the explanation.  We are truly moving in  ‘unchartered territory’  with new energies,  vibrations  &  frequencies  showing up  &  integrating forming a completely new experience.  It is as if we are  ‘straddling two worlds’,  which indeed we are!   Some days are comfortable in the  ‘old world’,  some days not.   Some days it feels great to be in the  ‘new world’  and other days it feels very weird.   As the transition happens,the  ‘old world’  will continue to feel less comfortable and the  ‘new world’  will become more welcoming.  We just need to be accepting of this transition,  letting go of anything that no longer serves us in all levels of our being and welcoming to the new;  trusting that it is bringing us to a place of harmony  &  much more joy!

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