About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Radical Trust

Let’s face it we are living in a most challenging time of every level of our being.  Being a reader I am seeing with my clients that if one part of their life is fine,another one isn’t …such as if their finances are good,their relationship is disrupted or if their relationship and finances are good,they are challenged with health problems.  Some that are ‘spiritual’with expanded awareness are feeling very exhausted &finding it hard to do the day to day menial things …yet when they are able to detach &be alone &remain in their own ‘cocoon’&meditate they feel very ‘at home’and peaceful.  We are certainly ‘straddling two worlds’!  I find myself that time/space seems to be dissolving on one level –time seems to just fly &weeks seem to all blend together so it is hard to keep track of what day it is and even what month we are in.  It is harder &harder to keep up to the demands of the dates we have to remember such as paying bills on time,rent &mortgages and functioning in this 3rd dimension.  It is much more pleasant to ‘tune into’the invisible realms and vibrate at a higher frequency that is more interesting in many ways.  The veils are definitely thinning between dimensions and that doesn’t just mean ‘spirit world’.  There is much clearer telepathic communication coming through other dimensions too …and many people are physically seeing these energies. I myself see beautiful pulsating colours &energies that are definitely not of this dimension!  The energy of them is most loving &pure &holds a ‘cosmic’vibration.  So if you are sensing &seeing orbs,flecks of light,spreads of colour &‘ghost like’shapes,these are energies of other places wanting you to know they exist!  I always welcome them by saying “any energy that wishes to commune with me that is for the highest &best of intention,I welcome you”.  They do show up without an invitation at times!  This is happening more &more and I feel it will continue to increase.  They tell me ‘we are their project’…meaning the changes occurring on our planet.  They say ‘we are meant to be of help …this is our contract’.  They come in peace!  All we can do right now is have radical trust that this transition on planet Earth is for the highest &best for her and her belongings,thus meaning all of us here at this time.  We need to hold this radical trust in our hearts &souls to know we are not alone in this and remember all that is happening in these challenging times is necessary in the transition …the outcome will be of the highest order &we will breath a sigh of relief as we live in a new vibration of resonance.

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