About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

A great time of transformation

We are living in a time of the greatest transformation and as it intensifies we need to remember that there truly is magic in chaos. As this realignment is occurring,trying to find balance on this beautiful planet we dwell on,we too are being challenged finding balance in our own lives.

As an intuitive reader,I keep hearing to remember to be an observer &not get caught up in the emotional reaction to things.  We are being reminded that in chao,when we observe the situations at hand,we are able to see more clearly from an expanded perception,to include beyond our own lives.  As these shifts are occurring on our planet,we too are shifting in our awareness on all levels.

What we need to remember is to not compare and judge our experiences. I am seeing and hearing that whatever does not serve you any longer can be let go of or disintegrated,  leaving room and space for newness to come through.   Therefore,i t is important to not judge your experience as failure (such as relationships  &  jobs ending)  …  anything that is not serving you for the future needs to be let go of.  The trick is to be ok with it and have the courage to know this is so!

These things may not seem right to you when looked at from a logical,  practical point of view.  That too is why it is important not to judge or allow others’opinions to influence you;  you have to be able to trust your intuition  (the voice of your spirit within) o n these changes!  Be reminded,y our soul knows what is right for you,  so surrender to it’s voice.   In surrender there is freedom!

There is so much support in subtle ways that appears in our lives to know we are not alone in these transformational times.   I truly believe that planet Earth is the main focus in the Universe (s) and there are energies from other dimensions showing up to have us see this is so!  I am often surrounded by beautiful pulsating colours that show up in balls &sparks of golden,  blue,  white  &  violet light.

They are most comforting and very much  ‘alive’  and hold an energy that is extremely loving.  I welcome them to come to me without fear,  as I know in my heart of hearts they are part of this immense transformation.  As we allow ourselves to be  ‘upgraded’  to a higher frequency to resonate with these expanded frequencies,  we will experience strange and somewhat unusual things.

It is important not to think something is wrong with you,  in fact it is most supportive to be accepting of them,  knowing you are being upgraded,  if you will,  for the Good of All!   I find that some days my vision isn’t clear,  I sometimes have trouble remembering things or as I am doing something as mundane as slicing a tomato,  it feels awkward like it is my first time doing it!  Sometimes foods I love suddenly don’t appeal to me and I find I’m eating things I usually don’t like.   Sleep patterns are affected as well as the nervous system feels extremely sensitive,so going out and being around others,  such as in a mall etc. can be quite challenging.  I find when I am feeling these unusual things,  I check in with myself  (by observing rather than judging)  to see what would be best for me to do.  If I hear,  stay still and do nothing,  then I do so.   If I hear go out in nature,  then I head off for a walk to the park or beach.

If I hear,  you’ll be fine,  go and do what you need to do,I do that!   Checking in is like having a direct relationship and communication with your essence self,  your soul.  And,  this is the most important relationship of your life anyway!  I too hear to be kind to yourself through all these changes.   Be tender,  be loving;be nuturing.   Nuture yourself as you would nurture another,  giving support to this newness of you.

It truly is as if a new you is birthing,  and newness is being birthed for our planet Earth and her belonging  …  us,  nature,  animals  -  ALL!   What we do in our own lives is contributing to this new way,  this heightened vibration,  this magical golden energy of light that is cradling our planet like scaffolding as the old energy implodes,  gently holding it until the time is aligned to let it breath in golden light on it’s own  …  vibrating pure  LOVE  &  MAGIC !

sending love and support to you all,  Maureen

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