About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Does the familiar seem strange &the strange familiar?

I have been experiencing many strange and peculiar things for years that I know relate to the energetic shifts occurring on this planet.  These range from physical to emotional to other strange yet very interesting experiences.  Some days I feel that I am not really here and when I look around at my surroundings,  I feel as if I am looking at them for the first time!   It is quite challenging to go about the 3D living,doing the day to day chores when feeling this way.  Our physical bodies are highly affected by frequency shifts and ‘upgradings’–aches &pains,digestive upsets,blurred vision,disturbed sleeping patterns,skin irritations and much more.   I am constantly checking in to feel it is truly physical or is it the result of these upgradings.   Most times,  especially  checking in with others kindred spirits,  I find that it is to do with these shifts,  due to us all having the same experiences.   This is really important at this time  …  to have others to check in with that give support to these vast changes we are part of.

I will continue to write about it to be supportive to those that perhaps don’t have anyone to check in with …please feel free to write to me in regards to your experiences to ask questions of just to express what is happening with you.    I find too that some days I feel highly emotional …  checking in it doesn’t feel like it is ‘my stuff’so I feel that I am tuning in to the ‘bigger picture’.  This too I find supported when I check in with others  …  could be an astrological writing or some other blog or article.   We are living in a very peculiar yet absolutely fascinating and magical time!   When I am having days where I feel here yet not here  -  I feel I am experiencing being ‘in it’  but not  ‘of it’  …  I am quite detached and I notice I perceive things in a much different way.   Part of that is not reacting to the day to day things  –t hey don’t seem important or they feel unfamiliar and sort of ‘old’  …  more like a memory of something from way back there somewhere!   I actually love the feeling now as it happens more and more  …  it is becoming strangely familiar and what was familiar seems strange !

This is the important thing to remember  …  as these upgrading and frequency shifts occur  -  the more we detach and observe and allow ourselves to flow with it,  without trying to figure it out,  the more and more it will feel familiar!   In other words even though we are still straddling two worlds,  the ‘new world’or  ‘new energy’  is becoming our reality as the  ‘old world’  and  ‘old energy’  is dissolving,  feeling very unfamiliar now!   How exciting is that!   On an emotional level what seemed  ‘serious’  doesn’t seem to be as much so now  …  which is a weird yet freeing experience.   We are truly adjusting to our new being,  our new way of existing and our true selves showing up!   Rather than get too concerned about these changes,  try and flip the coin and be excited and welcoming to the new way,  and the new you!

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