About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

What is happening Dec 21st?

The information ‘out there’in regards to December 21st (the end of the Mayan Calendar) is overwhelming …and who has the right answer as to what it is all about?  Many are predicting doom and gloom so fear is up for people believing that our world is ending …while others are talking about being swept up to another level of existence on a vibrational level.  Who do we believe?  The only answer to that lies within yourself …not in your mind but in  your soul.  Wipe your slate clear by quieting your mind that is racing with all the information  desperately ‘scanning’to find the right answer.  The answer is not in our minds …it is in our hearts which is the window to our souls!  We know on a cellular level what is taking place and to access this alignment and connection we need to get out of our minds and open our hearts. Be still and quiet and harbour your energy,as if holding a new baby in protection.   This is where you will sense and feel what is taking place,as it is our connection to All That Is,to the Universal energy of love …that of the feminine energy.  Our world is out of balance in our male/female energy …and as we are all connected energetically,so too are we.  Our existence has been dominated by male energy and this beautiful alignment taking place in our Universe on Friday Dec 21st (our Earth,our Sun &the Grand Central Sun) is our gift to welcome the brilliance of feminine energy to flood our beings …all of us on this planet,the planet herself and beyond!  You needn’t be fearful …open your heart and welcome this loving energy to flow to and thru us basking us with nurturing light!  It is like welcoming the most nurturing mother ever to take us in her arms and love us back to life …as if we ‘lost’one another along the way somewhere and we are now being reunited!  Isn’t it true that all we want to do is be loved and protected so we can step forth to simply be who we truly are??  Now is the time …so fling open the doors to your heart and receive the love!  This is a birthing process so don’t expect to have everything ‘sweet’as if flicking a switch …however,stay poised as we receive …as we are all doing this together,  the lower vibrations are disintegrating,dissolving and structures that no longer serve us are collapsing.  Keep calm,stay in your heart and be welcoming!  Do so even if you have to be ‘out there’at work,etc.

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