About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Are You Extra Sensitive?

I have noticed lately in the people that are connecting with me to have a reading that they are having more &more unusual experiences that are ‘odd’or ‘unfamiliar’or ‘physically uncomfortable’…which in turns scares them due to not knowing what is going on.  We are experiencing a huge transformation on this planet;an ‘upgrading’is taking place energetically and due to us all being energy we  feel  it in many different ways.  The first thing is to recognize if you are extra sensitive that there isn’t something ‘wrong’with you;  you simply have a heightened sensory system;  therefore,   you ‘sense’&‘feel’much more than most others.  If you have strange physical feelings such as heart palpitations,trouble breathing or various pains &sensations  and you feel you need to check it out physically with a doctor,then do so.   That way you can rule out it being something ‘wrong’physically.   I myself experience these strange feelings and sensations that are hard to identify with at times;  they are weird or I have never ‘felt’that way before.   I check in intuitively and ‘ask’what it is …I usually sense or hear the word ‘upgrading’.  Our physical bodies are like computers so it makes sense in this transitional time we are in that we are ‘upgraded’.   The more sensitive you are,the more you feel.   Often what you are feeling is not your own stuff …it can be related to what is going on in the ‘bigger picture’.   Just knowing that helps to know that you are not alone in this or there isn’t something ‘wrong’with you!   It is more about knowing what it is about,  accepting it,  accepting who you are &then finding ways to deal with it.  Breathing evenly,meditating,being in nature,connecting &sharing with others that experience the same things,  using colour for protection and quieting  &  calming the mind so it isn’t filling you with fear is the key.  Our mind can’t come up with the answers to what this ‘upgrading’is about …it is ‘felt’and ‘sensed’on a soul level,energetically.  Remember,we are a spirit with a body …so identify with the soul firstly …it knows who you are …it IS who you are …it knows what you’re here for …it knows its place on this planet …it knows this upgrading is enabling us to make a stronger connection to ALL!

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