About Sage

In ancient times a SAGE was a messenger/teacher delivering profound insights to those seeking counsel.

Maureen Freeman,also known as Sage is an Intuitive Advisor,Medium &Channel. She has been providing support to people with her natural psychic gifts for over 25 years. She has done hundreds of channelings,she has been interviewed on TV &radio and lectured at Health Expos and other events. Maureen also writes columns and articles for various magazines such as A Messenger's MesSAGE in the popular EAGLEyeONE magazine.

Is Your Energy Drowning Your Business?

Many business have ‘mission statements’wanting and expecting their employees to be a ‘team player’when the leader of the team does not ‘walk his talk’!  It is easy to write down in words that your company offers excellence,great customer service &it has a ‘tight team’…but how many business owners,managers &presidents etc lead by example?  In this world of now there are so many different ways of communicating yet communication is the worst it’s ever been!  How many times are you told ‘I will call you tomorrow’or ‘I will email you to set an appointment’and you hear nothing.  Simply empty words …not conscious of what they are actually saying.  Truth,respect &honestly barely exists in the work world!  Saying you ‘value’your employees is easy but how many employees actually get recognition for their dedication,hard work &loyalty?  Not many!  As a psychic &intuitive advisor I would say the majority of people I do readings for are disheartened in the work place.  Even though I tune into them and feel they are appreciated in their work,many will say ‘I guess I am but I am never told that’.  How sad is that?  What does it take to say a simple ‘thank you,I appreciate you taking extra time to do that’.  As a society we think we have advanced with the technology but when it comes to simple human decency and respect,it barely exists!  Even now with voice mail,text messaging,email,cell phones,internet etc. communication is pathetic.  Then you add to it that when you place calls to a ‘customer service’you get an automated fake voice,not a real person!  And often when you get a ‘real person’they are in a foreign country and it is difficult to understand them due to their accents!  Business owners,managers &other authoritive figures better start paying attention to themselves &how their own managers,supervisors etc handle their employees or they are going to sink their businesses.  Showing respect needs to start at the top!  If their way of operating is talking in a demeaning tone,being moody (they are in a bad mood &feel their employees just have to put up with it) or use ‘old tactics’to get employees motivated by showing them what isn’t working (ie:  your sales are down,you better get them up there,or else) rather than having a kind,considerate,supportive approach their business will not survive.  Everything is energy. If the energy you put out is manipulative,controlling &demeaning it will not sustain itself.  It is a low vibration.  If the energy you put out there is positive,compassionate,lighthearted,supportive &grateful,your business will flourish,even in dodgy times.  Thing is,it starts from the top.  If you are a business owner that needs to shift gears and get on track or you are an employee that would love to point this out to your employer,give me a call …I can definitely show you how to turn things around!  It is much simpler than you think!

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